2015 has been a life-changing year for us at Crossroads Corral. This was our first year of operation and we have been able to see our dream of helping others through the use of horses come true! This year has had its challenges and ups and downs but we as a team are motivated now more than ever to continue walking this path to serve.
We wanted to use this first year as a discovery phase. Throughout the year, we have listened to our community and those who have come through our gates to discover the true needs in our area. With that in mind, in 2016 we will focus on using our horses and team to help the following:
- Women veterans who have suffered sexual trauma in the military.
This has been brought to our attention as a great need in our community and there is little support provided to these women as they are often overlooked. Sadly, these women have been trained to be silent in their suffering and we want to help them find their voice and heal.
- Women and children who have been victims of human trafficking.
Did you know that Florida is one of the top three destinations for human trafficking? This is happening in our backyard and we must do something to help these women and children to cope with their past and move forward.
- Youth in the foster care system
Our focus will be to promote healthy youth development and help to give them the tools necessary to live a more fulfilled life.
- Veterans and their families seeking help to transition home from deployment.
Even though it is typically only one family member who leaves to serve our country, the invisible wounds of war affect the entire family unit.
Our focus at Crossroads Corral has always been and always will be on mental and emotional health. We conduct ground based, specific activities to promote positive life skills and self-discovery. We also partner with Mental Health professionals to provide Equine Assisted Psychotherapy as needed. I want to make sure to note that we are not a therapeutic riding facility, which makes us very different from other “equine therapy” programs in our area. It is also very crucial to be aware of crohn’s diease and know how to take care of oneself.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to changing lives together in 2016!