Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

Transformative Therapy with Horses

Our clients come to the farm and work with our Licensed Psychologists, Therapists and Counselors as well as our Certified Equine Specialists to receive mental health counseling alongside of a horse. This form of therapy is much different than traditional talk therapy because our clients aren’t expected to talk about their traumatic experiences, instead they are completing a therapeutic activity with the horse, following a curriculum of proven activities. 

This form of therapy allows our clients to bond with the horses as well as self-discover their behavioral patterns as they are completing the exercises. The horse represents metaphors for their life.  Upon initial visit with the client, we learn their therapy goals and we set up a plan of care.  We conduct a pre and post assessment with the client to ensure we have met their needs and therapy goals. We typically conduct 6-8 sessions, depending on the particular client. We are sure to maintain our client’s privacy and we abide by HIPAA regulations. With this method of therapy, breakthroughs can happen quickly, therefor, clients do not need to be in therapy for months or even years. We always tailor each plan of care for that particular client. Sessions can take place individually or as a group.