Being thankful is something that I think about often and something our team discusses on a regular basis, not just on days like today, Thanksgiving Day. This year is extra special to us because we have been able to touch so many lives at Crossroads Corral and we have much to be thankful for.

Horses on Halloween
Our horses dressed up on Halloween at a recent event with BASE Camp.

After taking some time to reflect on this year, here is what I am most thankful for:

Our Families and Friends

Starting Crossroads Corral and the daily care that is required to run operations are very time consuming. Julie and I truly love every second at the farm with our horses, volunteers and clients. With that said, we have been very late to get home to our husbands to cook dinner on many occasions, missed birthday parties (or arrived late), passed on weekend trips, etc. We are so grateful that our friends and family understand our commitment to serve others and we could not do what we do without their love and support.

Our Team

From our passionate and intelligent board of directors to our giving and faithful volunteers, we could not make an impact on many lives and our community without YOU.

The Crossroads Corral team and volunteers posing with BaseCamp during a recent event.
The Crossroads Corral team and volunteers posing with BASE Camp, an organization supporting children with Cancer and their families.

Our Donors

As a Non-Profit organization we operate on donations. We do not have any paid staff and all money raised goes directly to the organization to serve our community. I can’t explain the level of excitement and gratitude we have when we receive a donation. We have great big dreams to help so many people with our horses and we CANNOT do that without you. When we receive a donation we know that you are saying, “I believe in you and your mission” and that is something that our team does not take lightly. Every dollar we receive lights a fire in our heart to help others. We hope that we can count on your support in the future to help us change lives.


Our Farm

We are so blessed to be able to lease such a beautiful and peaceful place for our horses and guests. We have 7 acres of quiet country very close to the city. We are also very lucky that the farm owners believe in our mission and support Crossroads Corral.


Our Horses

Every day our horses impress us when they are working with clients. Most of our horses are retired show horses. We also have a few rescues, a miniature horse and a trail pony. No matter what their background seems to be, they are all so willing, giving, intuitive, accepting and kind. The acceptance that people feel when they are working with our horses is incredibly heartwarming.


Our Community Partners

We are so thankful to other incredible organizations who have worked with us in our community! Big shout outs go to BASE Camp Children’s Cancer Foundation, The Mission Continues, The Wounded Warrior Project, The Lovely Project, Fairways for Warriors and Stefanie Lindlau, LMHC of The Meaningful Life Center.  We are also incredibly thankful to Greg Kersten of the OK Corral Series for training and certifying our team.  We would also like to thank Brand Advance for donating our logo, website and marketing materials.

The Crossroads Corral team with The Wounded Warrior Project and The Mission Continues.
Our team with The Wounded Warrior Project and The Mission Continues.

Our Clients

We are thankful for your trust when working with us and our horses. We appreciate your honesty and feedback and letting us into your world to help make a difference.

Our Barn Cats

We brought our barn cats from Pennsylvania to keep rodents out of the barn. What we didn’t realize was how much of a hit they would be. They are so social and meet everyone who comes through our gates with excitement. We have had several clients tell us that the cats are also “therapeutic”! They also keep us laughing daily, especially Max.


We thank you all for your support! In the season of giving, if you would like to contribute to our mission and help us change lives through horses at our farm please visit:

Have a wonderful and safe THANKSGIVING and holiday season!

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