Why horses?

When you think about wild horses, they must be constantly aware of their surroundings for their survival. Horses are aware of the slightest movement and they respond to threatening body language, which makes them a great learning “tool”. Horses can easily tell the difference between nervous, anxious energy and calm non-threatening energy, which allows them to identify individuals who may be struggling internally.
Horses respond very well to strong leadership and they are willing to follow once they have gained respect and trust. Horses will naturally challenge us if we provide them with contradictory behavior or poor leadership. Horses love to be part of a team, they do not judge but they also do not forget. Horses provide the most honest feedback and they can give us a glimpse into how the rest of the world sees us. Horses are strong and powerful, just being in their presence and working with them provides the opportunity to overcome fear and build confidence. Also, horses and humans are “herd” animals. Humans can learn a lot about their personal “herd” from powerful learning experiences with the horses.
When using horses in specifically designed educational experiences, equine-assisted facilitators have seen tremendous positive results in regards to a participant’s rate of self-discovery.
Horses are beautiful, intelligent and majestic animals. They are simply born with the gift to help humans!