1383174_684555261652298_1263463644094533350_nEquine Assisted Learning uses horses as an instrument for personal growth and learning. Almost anyone can benefit from participating in these programs. The focus of EAL is working on the ground with horses to conduct experiential learning exercises. Our sessions typically last 60-90 minutes depending on the activities and goals of the session.

Participants of our program can “graduate” to completing exercises in the saddle. Quite honestly, the horses are really the teachers in this kind of work!

Our organization specializes in helping:

Youth looking to develop & grow

  • Boys and girls ages 5-18
  • Those seeking or in need of skills such leadership, communication, problem solving, creative thinking, team work, etc.
  • Children within the foster care system, transitioning from home to home
  • Children who are at risk for falling behind in their school work
  • Youth who are disadvantaged due to poverty or broken homes

Women facing challenging times

  • Domestic Abuse Victims
  • Women in patterns of un-healthy relationships

Veterans seeking to transition

  • Men and Women who are having a difficult time transitioning from war to home
  • Men and Women suffering from PTSD or TBI

Our team at Crossroads Corral maintains a high degree of professionalism and promotes continuing education. Our Equine Specialists and Facilitators are certified through the O.K. Corral Series in Equine Assisted Learning and Psychotherapy. Although we are not clinical psychologists, we can provide adjunct therapy for mental health professionals who want to partner with us to accomplish “breakthroughs” with their clients.

Equine Assisted Learning provides a unique opportunity to experience personal growth and learning outside of the comfort zone.

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there”- Unknown