A faith-based Equine Assisted Program
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”
2 Timothy 1:7
Stable Mentality Ministries, a certified 501 c 3 organization, has partnered with Crossroads Corral to provide faith-based Equine-Assisted Learning and therapy opportunities on our farm.
Mission Statement: Stable Mentality Ministries seeks to create a safe haven for our community where the hope of Christ’s love is met with the healing presence of horses. We aim to serve woman, youth, young adults, first responders/veterans, and primary support members ; to help give hope, empowerment, redemption and discipleship through the love of God.
The program and curriculum is in development.
For further information please contact Stablementality.cfl@gmail.com